Tuesday 18 October 2016


There are so many thoughts running in my head all day long, so many experiences that get embedded in my mind, many stories which would probably interest no one but me, and many realizations that I wish to share. With so many things stacking up in my little 3 pound brain, there should be a way to outlet it somewhere. 

Why Blog?
1) No strings attached. If someone is interested, they will read. If not, they won't.
2) Now I have something to do in all my free time.
3) Some little story here may help/entertain someone , sometime. You never know.
4) Most importantly, my 3 pound living computer can finally breathe and my 4 pound wannabe brain won't complain - no matter how much I type.

So, here i am! Yet another human, trying out something new, writing my first post..